Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Meal plan update

Nobody who reads this has a garden? Really? OK then.

Here's how the rest of our week of meals is shaping up:

Tuesday--change of plans; went to babysit for some friends and had pizza.
Wednesday--meatless quiche (eggs, cheddar, red pepper, green onion)
Thursday--the little guy is going to his grandparents' and I'm heading over to a friend's house
Friday--still open to inspiration!!

Have you had anything fantastic this week?


  1. I have a 'garden' but nothing is working. Our snap peas have all shriveled up and died after the too hot summer and my tomatoes and peppers have yielded nothing yet. We shall see.

    As for today's question, no. Our best meal this week was tacos.

  2. We had spaghetti and meatballs on Monday, fish sandwiches with coleslaw yesterday, chicken sausage and grilled peppers and green beans tonight, roasted (or grilled?) chicken with carrots and turnips tomorrow night, grilled pork chops with an apple slaw and grilled kale friday night.
