Sunday, October 2, 2011

Ten things

1. I'm running the Army Ten-Miler in DC next Sunday.

2. The little guy, who claims to not like zucchini, happily gobbled his entire bowl of beef & wild rice soup (which contains zucchini, tomatoes, mushrooms, and onions) with his eyes closed so he didn't have to see them.

3. My sister, who blogs at, got some nerve-wracking news recently. If you have any good thoughts, prayers, or "best wishes" vibes to share, please send some her way.

4. My parents are in Kashmir for a few weeks.

5. I ran an average of 8:02/mile for my four-mile tempo run Friday. In 28mph winds on a not-entirely-flat route. Lots on my mind, apparently.

6. Yesterday was the busiest I've been in a long time--up at 6:30 for a run, ran 8 miles, prepped for a bridal shower, hosted said shower at my house, cleaned up, started packing for our DC trip, went out for coffee with my sisters (one of whom stayed with us last night, 9-month-old in tow), came home to finish packing, and conked out sometime before midnight (I think).

7. We recently revisited this meal for dinner. It was a great way to warm up on a blustery, stormy, power-blinking night.

8. I *adore* fall weather, including the kind mentioned above. LOVE love love it.

9. As much as I love my shorts and tanks, I've been itching to wear my colder-weather gear again. 

10. My first blog giveaway is coming soon!

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