Sunday, February 6, 2011

Half of a half is...

a LOT! If you're talking about a cow, that is.
What you see here (in very poor lighting, yes--it was almost 10pm) is our "half of a half" of a cow, raised by a friend's family, processed locally, and picked up last night. I'd say we're pretty set in terms of beef for quite a while.

These boxes--three total, but one broke--contained the following cuts and quantities:

Burger patties - 9 two-pound packages (1/3lb patties)
Chuck roasts - 7 (huge!)
Cubed round steak - 5
Delmonico - 4
Ground beef - 19 one-pound packages 
New York strip steaks - 3
Rump roast - 1
Sirloin steaks - 6
Sizzler steaks - 2
Tenderloin - 3

I can't believe it all fit into our little chest freezer! Now I just have to figure out a way to use all this meat and not get sick of it. In other news, our grocery bill will likely go down, thanks to this one-time investment. I'm excited to head up to the corner and spend some time at Ken's Fruit Market picking out produce to go with all this beef! There's a certain steak-and-potato salad I've had my eye on...

1 comment:

  1. That is the best way to buy beef! My husband and I bought the same amount you did from my Grandpa last year. The day we get the meat is like Christmas Day for my husband! Although I think next time we could maybe get a half of a half of a half!
