Wednesday, July 14, 2010

As the Bean Sprouts: Week 1

This is the first weekly update (originally I'd said two weeks, but things moved faster than I expected) on my bean experiment. My mother-in-law noticed green sprouts coming up in Bed #1, by the neighbor's fence, on Tuesday night. I went out and took some pictures this morning.

By 8pm tonight, when the little guy and I got home from the bookstore, they were even larger, and more had sprung up. They've grown so quickly, it's almost as if we could watch them sprout. Amazing!

So far this is the bed with the most progress. The only other one (of the four) to show any promise yet is Bed #4, the one in the overgrown back garden.

Stay tuned for next Wednesday's riveting edition of "As the Bean Sprouts." :D I hope the vicious rain that is forecast tonight doesn't hurt them too badly... perhaps I will move Bed #3, the potted one, to the back porch tonight.

1 comment:

  1. You really do have a green thumb!! We've been experimenting in our garden this summer. We made raised beds and planted corn, sunflowers, zuchini, tomatoes and pumpkins. So far so good! We also had planted onions and lettuce from seed and nothing. You just have to keep trying new things each year and see what works and what doesn't.
