Wednesday, July 28, 2010

As the Bean Sprouts: Week 2

Poor beans. They had to deal with a lot last week--massive downpours, undrained pots, brutal heat and humidity. Well, maybe they liked that last one, but the others weren't kind.

Here are the sprouts as they appeared two weeks after planting.

Bed 1: Neighbor's fence

These beans are the best-growing so far. I pulled out a few that weren't sprouting as much, to give the bigger ones more room.

Bed 2: Potted

Oh, my sweet, sad little flooded pot. I'm so sorry that I forgot to drill drainage holes in you. And I'm sorry that I forgot to move you to the back porch when Noah's Ark floated by in the storms.

Bed 3: Berry patch

Only one of the three seeds I planted here has grown to anything worth writing home about. The line of Morning Glory seeds I threw in the back is doing well, though. I think. This is the bed that shares space with my raspberry bushes, on which I found these:

Bed 4: Back 40

Oh THERE they are! I'd been watering the wrong area. Whoops. I planted two tomato plants from a friend back here as well. So far, still green. Woot!

Next update in two weeks.

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